At least the weather was cool during the week when you were in need of HVAC repair. Earlier in the summer the temperatures were in the high 90s, but this week was different. With lows in the 60s in the mornings and highs that are only in the low 80s, however, this week was a better time to be dealing with an air conditioning system that is not working. Cooling systems are always important, but the middle of the summer is a time when it is especially necessary. Finding the right HVAC repair system is important any time of the year, but knowing that you can get a good night of sleep the night before your family’s summer vacation is more than comforting.
If you find yourself looking for someone who can help you find the solution to your heating and cooling problems, it is important to make sure that you working with a certified HVAC repair business. Air conditioner installation and repair are clearly important as the latest statistics show that as many as 66% of homes in the U.S. now have air conditioning.
Heating and Cooling Systems Require Twice a Year Service to Work Effectively and Efficiently
Even though the majority of the homes in America have air conditioning, they may not all be working as well as they should. In fact, without proper service and maintenance, there is a real chance that the air conditioning in your home is costing you more than it should. To operate an efficient HVAC system, manufacturers recommend that these units receive the required maintenance inspections twice a year.
Did you know, for instance, that duct leakage can waste 20% to 40% of the energy out of even a well-operating air conditioner? With a certified inspection, however, a technician can find and take care of these duct leaks that are costing you money on a daily basis.
In addition to duct leaks, there are also many problems that occur simply because a HVAC unit is too old. The heating and cooling industries have made many improvements in the last years and if you upgrade to the newest systems, even though this change will require a substantial investment, you can end up saving money in the long run. In fact, if a air conditioner is 10 years old, you may save as much as 20% on energy costs by replacing it with a newer, more efficient model.
Even if your air conditioner appears to be running fine, it is always a good idea to make sure that you get the necessary service scheduled so that you do not find yourself in the middle of the summer looking for a HVAC repair company.