The flooring of your home or place of business is a hugely important thing. After all, the flooring of your home is something that will be put to use each and every day. So not only do you want flooring that is aesthetically pleasing, but you’ll also want flooring that can stand the test of time. But with all the flooring options out there, from carpet to bamboo flooring vs hardwood flooring, it can be difficult to make a final decision.
After all, the market for flooring is thriving here in the United States, with total flooring sales exceeding a value of twenty one billion dollars in the year of 2017 alone. In addition to this, enough flooring was sold in that same year to cover more than nineteen billion square feet of floor, meaning that many homes and places of business throughout the United States were patrons of various flooring stores in this country. And with the success of the industry, more options have become available than ever before.
When people are looking at flooring options, they will likely be drawn to hardwood flooring. Hardwood flooring is not only hugely long lasting and durable, but it’s also very aesthetically appealing as well. In fact, recent studies have even shown that the vast majority of people prefer hardwood flooring over all other types of flooring, and many will even pay more for a house that has hardwood flooring installed throughout than for a house that does not. Due to this fact, many people who are looking to place their homes up for sale will actually redo their floors, switching them to hardwood flooring options, before putting their home up on the market, hoping that this will help it achieve a higher total selling price.
But we must also looking closely at the debate of bamboo flooring vs hardwood flooring options, as we end up seeing more of the detrimental effects of hardwood flooring when we look more closely at the benefits of bamboo flooring. For instance, looking at bamboo flooring vs hardwood flooring shows us just how impactful the use of hardwood flooring can be to our environment. After all, though thirty percent of the world if currently covered in forests, this number is likely to drop significantly in the years that are to come if we keep using hardwood trees at the rate that we have been.
And as anyone who has looked at the argument of bamboo flooring vs hardwood flooring can tell you, it is not as easy a solution as simply just planting more trees. This is due to the fact that hardwood trees take quite a few years to reach maturity. Sometimes, they can take as long as sixty years before fully considered to be mature, but even those that are faster growing will not typically take less than twenty years. So while planting trees is certainly something helpful that we can all do to help our planet, it cannot be the only solution that we pursue.
Instead, using alternate flooring materials is one way to help the planet and prevent the unnecessary usage of hardwood trees. In this area of consideration, bamboo flooring vs hardwood flooring points firmly in the favor of bamboo flooring. This is due to the fact that research has found that bamboo flooring is far more sustainable than hardwood flooring, especially when we look at them side by side in a comparison of bamboo flooring vs hardwood flooring.
Bamboo grows much more quickly than hardwood trees and is able to reach maturity in a relatively short span of time of only three to five years. This means that bamboo is far more sustainable, as bamboo much more easily grows back, making it a renewable resource ideal for usage the place of wood. And bamboo flooring is often even harder than traditional hardwoods meaning that it is incredibly long lasting as well, something that the vast majority of all home owners are incredibly interested in, something that could be a huge selling point when it comes to the potential purpose of a home.
When we look at bamboo flooring vs hardwood flooring options, we find that bamboo flooring provides a viable alternative.