Easy Steps to Prevent Stormwater Pollution


Triton catch basin insert

You may assume that preventing stormwater pollution is up to those in charge at the country’s major environmental organizations; and while they do this sort of thing every day, you can do your part too. Consider these easy ways to implement effective methods at home. You get some real benefits too, in addition to the benefits reaped by your area’s waterways.

One method to reduce and even prevent stormwater pollution is through installing devices around your yard. Your downspouts will carry with them potentially harmful pollutants that can make their way into your area’s and town’s streams, eventually contaminating the water you drink or use on a daily basis. Take efforts now to prevent stormwater pollution by installing specific devices and filters that capture and trap these pollutants so they never make it to your waterways.

A very popular way to reduce stormwater pollution is through rain barrels. These barrels are easily installed underneath a downspout (and many have rain chains that allow the water to flow down from the top of your roof and gutters into the barrel) to capture rainwater and prevent it from traveling down hills and into the area’s waterways and streams. These barrels are often available from various towns and government offices, though private companies sell them as well. Some are fancy and others are plain, but they all generally work the same.

Consulting with technicians and experts trained in stormwater pollution prevention is another useful way to go. If your stormwater pollution problem is increasing despite your efforts, or if you feel you have no time or feel that the problem is getting out of control, contact a stormwater expert for assistance. The expert will closely evaluate where the stormwater runs off of your home and will recommend ways for you to upgrade your yard to capture rainwater and keep it away from streams.

The nice part about preventing stormwater pollution proactively is that you get to work with the stormwater afterward. For example, capturing stormwater in a rain barrel means you can use the water to them water your plants and shrubs. This keeps this foliage healthier because natural rain water is in use rather than chlorinated or chemically laden water that may come out of your outside faucet or through your hose. Your plants are healthier, you have found new ways to recycle and your stormwater problem will be solved, all at once.
Find out more at this site.

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