Four Ways Heating and Air Companies Reduce Your Bills while Protecting Your Health


Heating and air conditioning service

Since the beginning time, human beings have searched for ways to heat and cool their homes. Consider, some of us live in the arctic regions of the world, like Alaska. Others live in eternally warm getaways, like Tucson. Wherever we live, one of the things that ties us together is our want and need to be comfortable in our homes. Heating and air companies give us the means with which to stay cozy while reducing common homeowner costs.

What Are Heating and Air Companies?

Heating and air companies, of course, provide the installation, maintenance, and repair of commercial and residential heating and cooling systems like HVAC, electric furnaces, and so on. However, many of the best heating and air companies also provide plumbing services along with the air conditioning expertise they are more well known for, and they do so while saving us money and from health problems.

How Heating and Cooling Companies Protect Homeowners’ Finances and Health

  • Pipe Insulation
  • Did you know that pipes lacking installation allow heat to easily be sapped from your water as it flows through your pipes? Heating and air companies can insulate your pipes so that you cut down on your energy costs. According to, insulated pipes save small houses up to $15 per year on their utility bills.

  • HVAC Heating and Cooling Repair and Maintenance
  • One of the main purposes of an HVAC system is to filter the air and produce great air quality in the home. However, over time, dust and allergens can build up in the filters and ducts of the HVAC. Subsequently, experts recommend that you allow heating and air companies to clean your system once every two months. Further, your air system should be inspected once before summer and once before winter to make sure it is ready for increased workload.

  • Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling
  • The EPA estimates the average American household wastes over 9,000 gallons of water yearly waiting for the temperature to heat up. However, heating and air companies can provide your home with eco-friendly heating solutions for your water and your home that can save you a great deal. Recent statistics from Energy Star show that tankless water heaters, for example, can cut water heating costs by 50%, saving the average American family over $100 a year.

  • Waste Management and Property Protection
  • In the United States, septic tanks are designed to hold up to 1,000 gallons of waste. That is 1,000 gallons worth of waste that, in the event of a disaster, can spill across your property and through your house. By using heating and air companies, you can get access to quality septic services that may help to prevent a leak. If the worst does happen, then heating and air companies can provide rapid septic repair to protect your home and property.

As you can see, heating and air companies certainly provide high quality maintenance and repair for home and commercial air conditioning. However, reputable services go above and beyond that to save you money through smart plumbing and energy efficient appliances. At the same time, they help protect your family’s health. Does your heating and air company offer these things? Helpful links.

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