Almost every home in the United States has some sort of light outside of it, whether that be streetlights on the curb, patio lighting, or small floodlights in the yard. Lately, lights have become a more important issue for homeowners, especially when it comes to the type of lights that are being used.
Outdoor lighting installation may not seem like a fairly important feature when it comes to the home, but it has started becoming more prominent as of late. In an annual survey from the National Association of Home Builders, over 40% of those surveyed said that they considered exterior lighting to be an “Essential/Must-Have” feature. And it’s only going to grow in the coming years, as a recent study predicts that the outdoor lighting market could reach a value of at least $56 billion by 2020.
As the lighting market has started becoming more prominent, it’s only natural to start renovating the lights themselves. A 2017 U.S. Houzz Landscaping Trends study reported that nearly half of homeowners recently started making outdoor renovations that included updating their outdoor lighting. And almost 75% of those homeowners said that they were choosing LEDs to go along with their renovations. So what is it that makes LEDs the new light of choice?
First, LEDs are a more efficient choice and better for your outdoor lighting installation. They have been shown to use only 15% of the same energy that a standard halogen light does, while still providing almost 85% more light. This means that this can provide you with a lot more light for less energy, and they can typically last almost 20 times longer compared to a halogen light.
They are also more environmentally friendly in the long run. A prediction from Energy.gov states that if LEDs become the norm in the United States in the next 10 years, it could save as much electricity as 44 large electric plants can produce. That’s a lot of electricity saved just for changing a few bulbs.
Outdoor lighting installation has become a more important issue for homeowners within the last few years to ensure that everyone has the proper amount of light outside their home regardless of where they live. In addition, the more efficient and eco-friendly LED bulb has started becoming the bulb of choice. If you think that you could use a few new lights outside your home, be sure to get in touch with a landscape lighting company to ensure that you’re getting the most for your money.