5 Easy Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill


It’s nearly impossible to do much around your home without electricity. Statistics gathered from the Department of Energy found that 22% of all electricity generated throughout the United States is used for lighting. Considering that, this often leads to costly bills for homeowners. Don’t worry, it’s easier to reduce these costs than you might think. In this post, you’ll learn five helpful tips for lowering your electricity bills.

  • Adjusting Appliance Settings

    In many cases, the main culprit of costly electricity bills is due to appliances. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the power used by these items. For instance, you can air dry your clothes instead of powering on the dryer. This same logic also applies to your dishwasher. Leaving off the heat dry setting will help lower your energy usage. Implementing a few tips of these times might cost you more time but it will help reduce your electricity bills.
  • Investing in Power Strips

    Many homeowners are unaware that 75% of all energy used by electronics in the home occurs while these items are powered off. Considering that, it’s important that you have a way to keep these items off while they’re not in use. If you don’t want to go through the trouble of unplugging each item, purchase power strips. These energy solutions allow you to easily switch power on and off to any plugged in items.
  • Utilizing LED Lighting Throughout Your Home

    If you’re wanting to reduce your monthly electricity bill, it’s important to focus on energy solutions involving lighting. Considering that, many homeowners utilize LED lighting throughout their properties. Statistics show that LED lighting uses 85% less energy than a standard halogen bulb. Best of all, LED lighting lasts much longer than halogen lights.
  • Making the Switch to Energy Efficient Appliances

    Another important concern is to ensure that you’re using energy efficient appliances throughout your home. It’s understandable that having the budget to purchase these appliances isn’t feasible for everyone. If you do have the budget for these purchases, the savings are certainly worth it.
  • Switching Electricity Providers

    Certain homeowners are able to choose from multiple residential electricity services. This is certainly beneficial as it allows you to choose the best possible electricity rates. If you’re wanting to find the best possible energy solutions, partner with an electrical contractor. In turn, you’re likely able to learn quite a bit about multiple electricity providers in your area.

In closing, there are several ways to reduce your electricity bills. There are many costs that come with owning your own home. With that in mind, it’s important to keep costs as low as possible. You can reduce these costs by implement strategies that reduce your monthly electricity usage. In turn, you’ll never have to worry about paying costly electricity bills again.

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