Using the Right Cribs and Carpets for a Newborn Baby


Interior decoration is something that many homeowners will want to do, and their walls, furniture, or even a wooden deck can get deck paint, new wall paint or wallpaper, or more, and furniture such as dressers, tables, and chairs may bet a new coat of paint, or even the floor might get anti slip paint on it, such as concrete. Spray paint and exterior floor paint are more specialized products that homeowners may want to try, and while deck paint and spray paint can have a lot of chemicals in them, homeowners are urged to consider the safety of the products that they use, and avoid those that give off a lot of airborne toxins such as VOCs (volatile organic compounds). This is especially true if a household has an infant or a toddler in it, and these very young family members have heightened sensitivity to allergens, VOCs, and more. Responsible parents will make sure that the paint and even the carpets in the home are friendly for a newborn, and crib safe paint should be sought out in particular. Crib safe paint will be low in VOCs and may come in many colors, and crib safe paint can often be found at a baby supply store that parents can visit. Painting a crib and the baby’s room is often done before the baby arrives, so parents will have some time to find the right materials for the job, including crib safe paint.

Health Hazards

Why is it so important for homeowners to invest in crib safe paint or new carpets to keep VOC levels low? VOCs are not just a bad smell; they are airborne contagions that can cause or worsen allergies, and they can even damage the cognitive function of children and adults alike, and many people take great pains to avoid allergens such as VOCs, mold, and others. For example Cornell University’s Survey Research Institute found that many travelers, about 83% of them, reported choosing an allergy-friendly room if they could, and similarly, nearly 59% of of travelers reported that they would choose one hotel room over another based on the availability of allergen-free rooms. Meanwhile, in Sweden, the Dampness in Buildings and Health study looked into interior air quality and its impact on allergens for children. The results were clear: among children who had more than one allergic symptom, PGE exposure could nearly double the chances of those children developing allergic sensitivities to other allergens as well. Finally, another study was conducted to test indoor air quality’s impact on cognitive function in adults. For this study, a workspace had its interior VOC levels lowered, as well as the VOC levels of the outdoor air surrounding it for about six weeks. By the study’s end, office workers who worked in that low-VOC environment performed 101% better than when they worked in regular office air.

Home Decoration and Safety

It can clearly be argued that air quality may be deeply impacted by VOCs, but what can be done about it? Plenty. For one thing, parents are urged to use only baby-safe products for the baby’s room, ranging from the crib and its paint to wallpaper and even the carpet under everyone’s feet. A baby supply retailer may have relevant products, and consumers can visit and ask about low-VOC paints to browse, and only use these paints for the baby’s crib, dresser, walls, or anything else. The same thing may be done for other projects, too. Low-VOC paint may be used for painting a wooden deck, the living room’s or kitchen’s walls, or other furniture or wooden surfaces like a stairway handrail. Even carpets are a consideration. Older carpets contain a lot of dust, pollen, outdoor pollution, and a lot more that can give off dangerous levels of VOCs, and the same may be true for rugs. Homeowners may consider hiring a maid service to perform a deep clean, or else homeowners might opt to have contractor crews remove the carpet entirely and put down new carpeting that is rated for low VOC emissions. This type of carpet is something that a homeowner can check for and request ahead of time for maximum air quality control.

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