Home Maintenance Requires Attention to a Number of Details


Being comfortable is an important part of being a home owner. From making sure that the air conditioner is working in the summer to having a dependable furnace to keep you warm in the winter, it is always important to make sure that there is a reliable system in the home where you live. In fact, cooling and heating services can help you make sure that your home is always ready, no matter what weather comes your way.

Home ownership requires careful attention to many home maintenance tasks. The heating and cooling is very important, but so is the monitoring of the plumbing system in your home. By working with certified professionals, however, you can make sure that you are able to not only be safe and comfortable in your home, but that your house will serve as a good investment that continues to grow in value.

Do You Follow a Specific Schedule When It Comes to Your Home Maintenance?
Checking your air conditioner four to six weeks before the summer arrives and scheduling regular visits for plumbing and electrical inspections can seem overwhelming. Unless, of course, you follow a well organized schedule. With all of the home ownership tasks divided out between all 12 months of the year, the entire process can seem more manageable.

Consider some of these facts and figures about the importance of home maintenance and the value that these tasks can add to the value of your investment:

  • Worth $6 billion, a trillion gallons of water is wasted each year as the result of running toilets, leaking faucets, or other leaks. These are all problems that can be addressed by a professional plumber.
  • It is best to have a furnace that is 10 or more years older inspected annually.
  • 66% of all homes in the U.S. have air conditioners.
  • Air conditioners cost U.S. home owners more than $11 billion every year. Fortunately, regular maintenance can keep an air conditioner running efficiently.
  • Heating water accounts for up to 30% of the energy budget of the average home.
  • 13.7% of water use is the result of leaks, according to Plumbing Manufacturers International.

Finding a way to maintain the value of your home involves careful attention to the required maintenance tasks that are involved with plumbing, electricity, and heating and cooling systems.

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