Roof Shields for Ice and Water


Roofs are an integral part of your home. They are structurally important to the solidity and soundness of your entire house. But they also protect it from the elements, keeping wind, rain, snow, and even the hot sun out of your home so you and your shelter can live well. But did you know that there are ways to protect your roof too? Roofs don’t last forever, so taking the steps to protect your first line of defense against the elements is crucial. In this video, you will learn about ice and water shields that your local residential roofer may be able to provide and install on your roof.

The ice and water shield is a membrane that can be placed in vulnerable areas of your roof. It can be placed directly under your shingles and is simple to install, requiring only peeling and sticking in place.

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Ice and water can be devastating to your roof, but these shields will help it to withstand damage and last much longer.


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