Don’t Drink THAT, How to Prevent Contamination


Sediment filter for well water

String wound sediment filters are an old fashioned way to solve a common problem. Pleated sediment filters are a great sediment filter for well water. It is easy for well water, which is exposed, to become contaminated. It is for this reason that well water sediment filters are so important, particularly for people who live on farms or elsewhere.

A string wound sediment filter is similar to a tea strainer. The tightly wound string allows water to strain through while removing the floaters or other materials from the water It is for this reason that they offer a simple solution to a problem with complex roots. Sediment can come from pretty much anywhere, and they can spread because of changes in the weather.

String wound sediment filters are among the best ways to prevent contamination. This does not necessarily mean that it will prevent chemicals or other harmful materials from getting into a water supply, but it can prevent rocks, garbage and debris. This, in itself, is one of the best means for a string wound sediment filter to prevent harmful material from finding its way into a drain or sewage pipe.

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