Updated: 2/4/2022
Your outdoor spaces are fun to spend time in, and they can be even more pleasant with the introduction of beautiful landscaping. The backyard and front yard designs that you create with the help of backyard landscape designers can improve the way your spaces look. And with better landscaping, you may also find that your house is worth more. To get started, you need to get some ideas for backyard looks. Take a look at online photos of landscape photos to figure out what you want in your own spaces.
To get the landscaping in, you can hire a landscaping company to come out and do the hard work. You may want to include backyard landscaping stones in your landscaping looks to add some flavor to the design. And, stones don’t have to be watered to keep them looking great. Once you have finalized your landscaping plans for your space, talk to the landscaping company about the care of the plants you want to include. It’s helpful to choose from among the many native plants in your area so that you can take care of them easily. Having native plants is also better for the environment and will require watering less often.

Gardening in the Northeast will come with some regional specific challenges. On the plus side, drought is not likely to be a problem — at least not in the way it is in California. On the negative side, California doesn’t always have the Northeast’s dearth of critters, including deer, rabbits, raccoons and more.
Beyond that, there are unique challenges people who live in states like New York or Vermont are going to face, that those planning out a garden in Texas or New Mexico are not. Here are three tips for successful garden landscaping in the Northeast.
1. Use Native Plants
Native, or indigenous plants, are plants that are not imported or originating from far away places like South America or Europe. Native plants are good to use because they require less watering, grow easily in their native conditions, and often provide bright spots of color throughout multiple seasons. Good native plants for many parts of the Northeast include wild anemone, carolina lupine, woodland iris, maidenhair fern, and Jacob’s ladder.
2. Plants That Won’t Get Nibbled
Certain plants are like an enticing all-you-can-eat buffet to animals like deer, which can consume a whole garden before they’re full. Although no plant is necessarily “deer proof,” there are a few that are less likely to be enticing to hungry mouths. These plants include bee balm, catmint, Japanese painted fern, and sweet woodruff.
3. Having Fun in Fall
Ah, yes — autumn will come once more if you live in the Northeast. Summers are sweet, but typically rather short. Don’t let color die down just because the air’s a little chilly — this can be a great time of year to display beautiful foliage. When it comes to seasonal landscaping ideas, good plants for fall foliage include the purple-leaf smoke tree, autumn crocus, leadplant, and fothergilla are good, bright options that will help you welcome the pumpkin-spice season. Decorative sand and mulch can also help add color and texture year round.
Northeastern tip: have a tree you need to cut down? Let the sections dry out in a shed or garage, then use it as wood for your fireplace this winter.
Do you know of useful landscaping designs for Northeastern gardens? Would you use decorative sand? Let us know in the comments. Find out more at this site.