7 Incredible Facts About Air Conditioning


Ac unit wont turn on

When seeking air conditioning installation, the chief concern is generally, “How do I get the house to be less hot?” For those of us who have grown up with a trustworthy air conditioning service, it is hard to imagine any other way of life. But back before the days of temperature on demand, humans went through bizarre and absurd things in their pursuit of the cool life. We’ve compiled several of these facts for you, so the next time your AC unit wont turn on, you can feel a sense of kinship with these early pursuers of the best air conditioning.

    People have been attempting to control their climate since at least the 3rd century, when a Roman emperor ordered his slaves up to the mountains to fetch snow to keep his garden cool in the hot summer months.

    Air conditioning had its first practical precursor in the 1820s when a British scientist discovered that compressing and liquefying ammonia could chill air when it was allowed to evaporate.

    The first modern air conditioner was invented in 1902 for a publishing company in Brooklyn. 100 years later, that’s still where all the good stuff is headed.

    The residential air conditioner was introduced in 1932, but was too expensive for most people and even most businesses. 20 years later, air conditioner sales reached $1 million annually.

    Air conditioning installation was highly coveted by 1947, to the point that a British scholar wrote that air conditioning was the greatest contribution to civilization of the century.

    Because both major components of an air conditioner (evaporator and condenser) are sealed, an air conditioning repair specialist should be consulted about any problems that may arise. Fixing air conditioner issues may seem practical, but it can cause a lot of damage if not done properly.

    Call a central air conditioning service at the beginning of every cooling season for a routine inspection.

      Air conditioning installation and functioning may seem like a basic fact of life, but one thing is for sure in this world: Never forget where you came from. By internalizing these facts about air conditioning, you may end up impressing friends, loved ones and even high-earning executives at the highest rated air conditioning service companies around.

      Questions? Thoughts? Ideas? Let us know in the comments.

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