Purchasing a home can be a long process. You have to provide all of your financial information and obtain a pre approval from a lender. You then have to search multiple homes, looking for the best fit for you and your family. After you have found a home that you want the purchase, the process is still not completed. This is where a lot of paperwork comes in. The lender has to ensure that the property is worth the price that you have offered. You have to ensure that the house is safe to live in. This requires appraisals and inspections. Once all of these steps are completed, the home can be closed on and it will be yours, if everything goes as planned.
The appraisal and inspection process are perhaps, two of the most important parts of the home buying process. They may not be the most entertaining or exciting parts, but they are what will protect you in this very large investment that you are making. Buying a house is one of the largest purchases that you will ever make, and you want to be sure that you are purchasing a piece of property that is safe and free of any large problems.
Although the seller is required to notify the interested buyer of any known problems, problems with the home are not always known. The seller may not be aware of poor structural problems or a problem with radon gas testing. It is possible that they never even had sump pump installation or local radon testing done on the house. However, you want to be a more informed buyer and have these tests done, prior to closing on the property.
A radon mitigation and abatement company can handle both the testing and the abatement of radon. Radon is a dangerous gas that is present in the air of some homes. It may be present in more homes than anyone even realizes. In fact, about 1 in 15 U.S. homes is estimated to have radon levels at or above the EPA action level. This means that they are at levels that would require radon mitigation services.
Some may even feel that the minimum EPA level is too high. Scientists estimate that lung cancer deaths could be reduced by 2 to 4%, or about 5,000 deaths, by lowering radon levels in homes exceeding the EPA?s action level. Many home inspections done during the home buying process do not even include radon testing services, even though radon gases are one of the most dangerous. According to the US EPA, nearly 1 in 3 homes checked in 7 states and on three Indian lands had screening levels over 4 pCi L, the EPA?s recommendation action level for radon exposure
In addition to the importance of radon air quality testing, the home?s sump pump installation should also be inspected. Buyers may be excited to learn that their home includes a sump pump. However, if that sump pump is not working properly, it can actually cause more problems for the home. The sump pump installation was put in by a sump pump installation company for a reason. If the sump pump installation was not done correctly, the home may be at a higher risk of flooding damage. A home that is flooded is more prone to bacteria growth in the air, such as mold and radon gases.
It can be an exciting time when purchasing a home. However, there is an extensive process to the home buying route for a reason. Mortgage companies want to protect their investment, and yours. They want to ensure that you will not experience any very dangerous or risky problems with the home, after you purchase it. This is why they do things like the appraisal and the home inspections. These processes give a better idea into the quality and the safety of the house.