A Single Crack Can Spew 250 Gallons Of Water How To Save Money On Your Water Bill


Clogged drains

Your house’s health is important. Much like you pop vitamins and jog every other morning to keep your heart healthy, homeowners go out of their way to make sure their home is in tip-top shape. You regularly clean the living room to create its signature sheen, patch up holes in your roof to prevent the build-up of mold and double-check your air conditioning systems every time the weather gets a little too hot for comfort. When your plumbing is starting to back up or you suspect you have a clogged drain, much like a doctor you seek out the essential resources to get to the root of the issue.

Remodeling And Renovation

Sometimes you want to touch up your home to make it feel more you. Remodeling and renovation projects are incredibly popular with homeowners and are conducted anywhere from once every few years to multiple times each year. According to a National Association Home Builders survey, bathroom remodeling is easily the most popular choice — they account for nearly 80% of all renovations, ranging from basic plumbing to brand new tile installations.

Leaks And Cracks

Water bill too high? You’ve probably got a leak that needs fixing. The average household’s leaks are notoriously destructive if not checked, accounting for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted yearly. For comparison, this is the amount of water needed to wash 270 loads of laundry! Studies have shown at least 10% of homes will have leaks that waste 90 or more gallons of water daily, while fixing easily corrected household water leaks can save you up to 10% on your water bill. Just contact a drain cleaning service or kitchen sink chip repair and reap the benefits overnight!

Plumbing And Clogs

Nobody likes a backed up toilet or struggling faucet. Indoor plumbing dates all the way back to 2500 B.C., yet even now homeowners have to contest with problems that feel like they should’ve been history! The demand for good plumbing is strong, with the number of employed plumbers expected to grow 21% by the time 2022 rolls around. Compare this to the average of 11% for other occupations as noted by the Labor Bureau Of Statistics and you’ve got a pretty good notion of where you and your home stands in the mix.

Saving And Spending

There’s nothing stingy about trying to keep your budget smart. You can save money even as you spend it, provided you keep your ear to the ground and stay up-to-date on the best ways of managing your home. Studies have found even a minor kitchen remodel (such as updating the faucet or adding a new counter) has an average ROI of 82%. Perfect if you plan on selling your house in the next few years! Maintaining a happy household is all about a balance of spending money the right way and keeping money from being wasted right under your own nose.

Bringing Out The Best In Your Home

Keep these tips in mind and your home’s health will keep going strong. Water damage and freezing both account for 22% of all homeowner insurance claims (averaging $4,000 per claim), so double-check your faucets and pipes whenever winter rolls around to make sure they can stand up to the cold. When a single crack can spew out 250 gallons of water per day, it truly pays to be proactive! Remodels and renovations can net you a higher ROI and even minor updates to your air conditioning or plumbing can save you hundreds. Don’t let your home come down with the cold — give it the support it needs!
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