Three Home Repairs You Should Make Before Winter Hits

Winter weather can take its toll on your home. Before Jack Frost starts knocking at your door, be sure to make the following home repairs: Gutter repairs Be sure to drain your gutters and make sure that they are clean and clear of all debris. Gutter cleaning isn’t the most fun household chore, but it […]

You Don’t Have to be a Bajillionaire to Live in Your Dream Home

Owning a home can be one of the most stressful times of your life if you let it. Rather than worrying about this and that and letting it drive you crazy, look at each aspect as a specific project. Each project, once completed, means that you are one step closer to finally living in your […]

Why Hiring a Handyman Is Good for Your Watch, Your Wallet and Your Life

If you’ve noticed quite a few small projects mounting up around your home, then it might be time to investigate handyman services. What is a handyman? A handyman is a person — man or woman — who has broad expertise in several areas of home repair services. That might include construction, painting, plumbing and electrical, […]

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