Despite water covering most of the Earth’s surface, drinking water is actually a precious resource. Only around 2.5% of the water on the planet is fresh water, and unfortunately not all of that water is drinkable due to water pollution problems throughout the world. Drinking water contamination can stem from a variety of sources, and when it comes to man-made pollution, virtually all of these are preventable sources of pollution.
Although it may sound difficult to curb pollution on an individual level, it is possible through proper knowledge and good everyday practices. From If you’d like to put a stop to pollution and help improve drinking water quality, here are some things you can do to help the environment:
1. Don’t litter: Although you may think that litter only leads to land pollution, this is far from the truth. Litter can also wind up in waterways and sewers, leading to pollution that’s difficult to clean up. In the Pacific Ocean, for example, solid waste has collected in what is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, with plastic being the number one leading pollutant. This form of pollution can kill or harm wildlife, and it doesn’t go away easily.
2. Practice green car care: Whether you enjoy washing your car in the summertime or you change your car’s oil at home to save money, car maintenance gives plenty of opportunity for pollution. Soaps used to wash the car can wind up in storm drains and lead to stormwater pollution; old oil from cars is also a big contaminant and can even seep into groundwater supplies. Make sure to use environmentally friendly biodegradable soaps when washing a car at home, and recycle oil where available.
3. Use safe disposal of medications: For many people, medication disposal is as simple as flushing pills down the toilet. However, these medications then wind up in wastewater, where they may be difficult to clean. In order to practice safe disposal of medications, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or those of your doctor.
4. Conserve water: Finally, the best way to create less water pollution is to use less water. Washing the car at home? Make sure to only use water for rinsing. When you and your family members get ready for work and school in the morning, be sure to take shorter showers and don’t leave water running while brushing teeth.
Want more tips for stopping water contamination? Whether you need advice on water conservation or you’re looking for more tips on safe disposal of medications, be sure to leave a comment below.