Renting a home is the most logical living choice for many in the nation. Rental homes are both easy, and affordable — exactly what many people need of their living arrangements. If this sounds appealing to you, you should definitely consider renting a home, but there are a few things you should know first.
Know Your Credit Score.
Just because anyone can apply to live in a house for rent doesn’t mean the landlord will choose just anyone. She or he wants well behaved tenants who will respect her or his property, and pay their rent on time. In order to prove that you would be a good tenant, you’ll need to have a good credit score. If you don’t, you should consider improving it before you try renting a home.
Know Your Rights.
As a renter, you have rights. Both the federal and your state government grant you protections from certain actions. Before you even consider checking out homes for rent locally, you’d be wise to brush up on these rights. Head to the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development’s website to learn more.
Know Your Lease Terms.
The last thing you should know when renting a home is your lease, especially any terms and provisions that allow you and/or your landlord to end the deal early. Most of the time, tenants have the right to stay where they’re living until the the lease is up, even if the landlord sells the property. Usually, leases also allow tenants to leave early, just so long as they provide notice a month or two ahead of time. It’s good to know such things before renting a home because if you break the lease, the landlord will keep your security deposit, and could potentially sue you for the rest of the rent you agreed to pay on the lease.
Once you have a good credit score, know your rights, and know the terms of your lease, you’re ready to try renting a home. If you have any questions about renting a home, feel free to share in the comments.