Find the Perfect Ceramic Tile Flooring for Your Home


Shower floor tile

You have the ideal vision for your home. Most often, when purchasing a home, the new house does not exactly fit the vision that the buyer has been dreaming of, but the beautiful thing about owning your own home is that you can transform it into whatever you want it to be. Remodeling a home may be quite the undertaking, but keeping in mind the end result and how perfect everything will turn out can help to curb the stress of the process. Depending on your style and vision, and on the current state of the home, you may be considering any number of improvements. But among the most popular remodeling projects is the renovation of the kitchen and bathroom.

Ceramic tile flooring for your kitchen or bathroom

The National Association of Home Builders conducted a survey, and the findings showed that, at 78%, the most popular request for remodeling jobs across the United States is for the bathroom. Following in a close second at 69% is kitchen renovation jobs. This is hardly a surprise. The kitchen and bathroom are both used on a daily basis, and both need to be up to date and sanitary for ideal efficiency levels. These reasons factor into the high returns on investment that renovations in these areas generally bring in. A good bathroom remodel or addition can end up delivering an ROI of 86.4%, and even a minor kitchen improvement can bring an ROI of 82.7%. These are are just a few of the many reasons that a good remodeling job in the kitchen, bathroom, or both are great ideas.

Of course, the bathroom and kitchen differ from most of the rest of the house in the materials that are needed for the functionality of each. One popular element in both the kitchen and the bathroom is ceramic tile flooring. It is much easier to keep clean, and in the rooms where water is present, it is essential to create a space that will not harbor germs or mold. Ceramic tile flooring is versatile and highly customizable, so virtually anyone with any style can find something that they like. There are many different ceramic backsplash designs, patterns, and colors as well.

Finding the right tile

Whether you are looking at glass tile designs or mosaic tile patterns
, or any number of other options, you are sure to find something that catches your eye. However there is more to finding the right tile than simply the aesthetics. One thing to pay attention to is the PEI rating, or the Porcelain Enamel Institute rating. This rating, a scale ranging from one to five, describes the durability of a tile, how hard it is, and suggested uses. A rating of one denotes the least durable tile, and these should only be used for walls. A tile with a PEI class rating of two would be good for bathroom walls and floors. Tiles in the three rating range could be used for countertops and areas of the house that do not get much traffic, while a rating of four would be used in heavy traffic areas like the kitchen. Level five ratings are typically reserved for tiles that are used in commercial or institutional settings. Knowing these differences and applying them accordingly will save you massive headaches in the future.

There is no reason that you can’t have the dream house that you have envisioned for so long. Work with your contractors, remodeling professionals, and tile salesperson to find the perfect ceramic tile flooring for the style and function that you want in your home.

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