Three Things To Consider Before Installing A Pool


Outdoor kitchen

There’s a certain appeal to a pool that just can’t be denied. Pools still convey a sense of luxury to many people, and it isn’t every day that you find a home with a private swimming pool. Often, the issue people have with having a pool installed isn’t so much to do with money — pools are often more affordable than some might think — but the issue of having a pool installed in the first place. It’s a lot of work, and it can be difficult to decide how big a pool should be, where on your property it should go, and how a pool can change your water systems. Therefore, it’s important to hire the right pool contractors ahead of time. Pool contractors can handle much of the work for you, and can help you hire good swimming pool builders who can be trusted to do a great job. Still — prior to beginning the job, you should discuss with pool contractors exactly how much you want done. You may want to go beyond simply installing a pool, and in that case it might be a good idea to get as much done at one time as possible. Below, we’ll list some of the issues you should take into mind before beginning your pool project.

1. To Hot Tub Or Not To Hot Tub

For many, a hot tub is a nice addition to a pool that isn’t exactly needed, but can add a lot to the overall experience. A hot tub is particular valuable to those who live in climates that can get colder during the fall and winter. This way, you can still enjoy a dip outdoors, without getting cold. A hot tub is also a great way for adults to spend time together while kids play in the pool, usually within watching distance. It’s estimated that pools on their own add about 7% to a home’s overall value — a hot tub only increases that value. A hot tub adds to a sort of spa experience, while a pool is more meant for playing around and exercising. Often, it’s a better idea to have a hot tub and a pool installed at the same time. This way, you can make sure that they both have access to water without necessarily interfering with one another.

2. What Kind Of Pool Do You Want?

This question doesn’t just relate to the size of your swimming pool, though that certainly is a part of it. Pools come in a variety of different shapes, as well as depths. Some people prefer pools that don’t get too deep — bottoming out at about six feet or so. This can be a great compromise for families with young children in particular. Others, however, want to use their pools for exercise as much as typical recreation. In that case, it may be a better idea to invest in a larger pool with deeper depths. It’s estimated that the average person swims in a pool six times a year, but you’ll likely be doing it much more often if you own a pool. Therefore, you want it to serve your needs to the greatest possible extent. The resistance of water is 10 times that of air, which means that swimming is a great way to get cardiovascular exercise. Discuss with pool contractors whether or not you want your pool to be a place for workouts as well as fun — they may have some design suggestions.

3. Cleaning Your Pool

While contractors certainly can’t clean your pool for you, they can give you advise on how to keep your pool sanitary. While 85% of people use chlorine to sanitize pools, some have been moving away from this in an effort to look for more environmentally-friendly solutions. Not everyone cleans their pools themselves, either. Some hire professional pool cleaners, which may be the best option if you can afford it. Professionals ensure that a pool is as clean as possible.

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